Innovative Technologies Improving Building Sustainability
Building for the future.
Buildings play a significant role in the global energy balance. Typically, they account for 20-30% of the total primary energy requirement of industrialized countries, 40% in EU.
Global buildings sector energy intensity fell by 1.3% per year between 2010 and 2014, thanks to continued adoption and enforcement of building energy codes and efficiency standards.
Yet progress has not been fast enough to offset growth in floor area (3% per year globally) and increasing energy demand.
Applying integrated Renewable Energy Systems to buildings is an important application for wider integration and deployment of renewable energy and to achieving our binding EU targets of at least a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 2030.
Latest news about IDEAS
Dr Anita Lorena Ortega’s Thesis
Our colleague DR Anita Lorena Ortega has published her PhD thesis the research behind which played a central role to the Ideas project. All her friends and colleagues at Trinity College Dublin and on Horizon2020ideas congratulate her on her fantastic achievement. Link to the theses is on our website on the publications page
Ferrara Large Scale Demo Site
The full installation of the IDEAS technology is up and running in Ferrara. All the key elements are installed, fully operational and working together seamlessly to deliver a fully automated weather and climactically tuned sustainable buliding environment. You can see how the various elements fit together in this poster showing the installation...
Presentation on IDEAS at Lasers, Optics & Photonics Conference, Spain, Nov 10, 2022
Our colleague from LEITAT, Dr Diego Gutiérrez Yatacue, will be presenting at the Optics 2022 conference (LINK) in Valencia, Spain, 10-11 November 2022. Diego's presentation will focus on the reliability of the spectral response of photovoltaic modules using bias and modulated light - which is summarised in the poster available by clicking on the...
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